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The concept of “Tech Evn – Latest” encapsulates the dynamic and constantly changing character of the technology industry in the face of swift technological progress. The most recent developments in technology are referred to as “Tech Evn – Latest.” By the end of this year, the company EVN hopes to have finished its digital transformation, and by 2025, it wants to be fully digital. EVN wants to use automated production to enhance the electrical system’s dependability, security, and customer service. The achievement of the digital targets for 2021–2022 has already increased EVN’s transparency and effectiveness.

EVN plans to finish its digital transformation by year’s end and turn into a digital enterprise by 2025. Electricity Vietnam (EVN) has been named one of the “Top Industry 4.0 Enterprises”. The EVN Report discussed SADA’s activities in Armenia as well as the development of new cloud infrastructure. The EVN Report seeks to uplift the diaspora, enlighten the world, and fortify Armenia. Looking ahead to 2030, EVN intends to designate three of its automated products as “Made in Vietnam” items by 2025, in support of the government’s national digital transformation agenda.

Driving the Nation’s Digital Transformation is Electricity Vietnam (EVN)

The Purpose of EVN in “Made in Vietnam” and “Made by EVN” Products
Internal Development of Products
Six significant products have been made by EVN as part of the “Make by EVN” campaign. These products include a Central Power Corporation (CPC) fault diagnosis system (FDS), an EVN electric car charger, a three-phase electricity gauge, and an intelligent remote fault indicator (SRFI). Other technological advancements consist of:

  • The outage management system, or OMS.
  • EVNHES, an application for gathering data remotely.
  • the endeavor to load dispatch digitally.

Program execution

  • The “Make by EVN” initiative was introduced this year with the goal of producing ten “Make by EVN” and three “Made in Vietnam” products by 2025. In line with EVN’s digital transformation agenda, this strategy generates significant value while accelerating the use of digital technology.

Beyond Digital Enterprise Transformation by 2025 is the future plan.
Pursuing Excellence by 2030: By 2025, EVMN hopes to transform into a fully functional digital company by implementing state-of-the-art grid technologies and building an advanced load dispatch system.

Unmanned Systems and Remote Control
By 2025 and 2030, respectively, EVN hopes to have all of its 110kV and 220kV stations under remote and unmanned control, with clear benchmarks in place.

Originality and Research
By 2030, EVN intends to construct a specialized scientific and technology center with cutting-edge laboratories. This project aligns with the overarching goal of achieving a high level of energy research proficiency comparable to other developing countries in the region.

Improving customer support
EVN is committed to raising the caliber of its power distribution and customer services. It is striving to modernize and professionalize its operations in order to place among the top three ASEAN member states in terms of outstanding customer service.

Tech EVN: Revealing the Most Recent Advancements
Tech EVN is a platform that highlights the latest technological advancements and has become a valuable resource for both industry professionals and tech enthusiasts. It is dedicated to showcasing cutting-edge trends and acts as a portal to the technological future.

Changing Industries: A Closer Examine
Technological trends of late have had a profound effect on a variety of industries, causing previously unheard-of changes. Technology is changing everything from healthcare to finance, transforming our way of life and work. Examples from the real world show how these innovations are improving industry.

Future-Shaping Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence is at the center of the technological revolution (AI). Our approach to problems is changing as a result of its capacity to mimic human intelligence and learn from data. AI is influencing how technology will develop in the future, from personalized recommendations to automated procedures.

The Development of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are no longer limited to the video game and entertainment industries. These days, immersive experiences that transform user interactions are offered by these technologies, which are permeating business, healthcare, and education.

The Internet of Things (IoT): Linking Global Communities
From a concept to a reality, the Internet of Things (IoT) connects systems and devices worldwide. Examine the effects of IoT on daily life as well as the innovations and difficulties that accompany this networked environment.

Blockchain: Going Beyond Virtual Money
Despite being first connected to cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology has many uses. Secure, transparent transactions and decentralized systems are just the beginning. Learn about the many uses of blockchain outside of finance.

5G Technology: An Innovation
The emergence of 5G technology is expected to transform the fields of entertainment, healthcare, and communication. Discover the possibilities of this fast, low-latency network and what it means for the future of digital technology.

Cybersecurity: Safeguarding the Virtual World
As technology develops, so do the risks associated with the digital world. Securing sensitive data now requires a high level of cybersecurity. Discover the newest tactics and trends for defending digital assets against ever-changing cyberthreats.

The Role of Tech EVN in Sustainability
Technology plays a vital role in environmental sustainability in addition to being a means of innovation. Learn how Tech EVN helps to promote eco-friendly practices and how green tech innovations lead to a more sustainable future.

Opportunities and Difficulties in the Tech EVN Era
Rapid technological progress brings both opportunities and challenges. Stealing opportunities and addressing these obstacles are essential for long-term growth. Navigate the intricacies of the Tech EVN era by gaining knowledge about possible roadblocks and future directions.

The Human Touch in Technology: User Interfaces of the Future
Even as technology advances, user interface design still requires human creativity. Examine the development of interfaces while applying human-centered design concepts to create a smooth and intuitive technological experience.

Changing Employment Landscape: Demand for Tech Skills
The skills that are in demand are changing along with the job landscape. Learn about the evolving tech job market and the critical skills that will define the workforce of the future.

Global Views: Tech EVN Around the Globe Although technology is a worldwide phenomenon, different regions experience its effects differently. Examine how various regions of the world adopt and contribute to technological innovations as you delve into the effects of cross-cultural influences on technological progress.

Compared to its predecessors, 5G offers much faster speeds, lower latency, and the capacity to connect more devices simultaneously.

EVN’s bold objective is to establish itself as a significant and enduring economic force by 2030.

By 2030, the Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) Corporation hopes to establish itself as a formidable, effective, and long-lasting economic force.

Developing a Path to Financial Success
Following the Prime Minister’s approval on April 1, 2021, EVN set ambitious goals in line with its development strategy through 2030 and its visionary outlook through 2045. Achieving dependable and profitable annual production and commercial results is its primary objective. The company’s goal is to maintain and increase the state’s ownership of EVN and its subsidiaries. Its goal is to keep the liability-to-equity ratio below three and the self-investment rate above thirty percent.

Expanding the Energy Source and Modifying the Meaning of Efficiency
EVN is unwavering in its commitment to serving as a vital supplier of electricity for the advancement of society and the economy. In order to catch up with the developed countries in the ASEAN region, the company is dedicated to reducing power outages. Moreover, EVN acknowledges the importance of implementing the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The company plans to transition to a digital organization by 2025, implementing intelligent grid technology extensively and developing a sophisticated load dispatch system. An outstanding benchmark is to achieve unmanned operation and remote control for all 110kV and 220kV stations by 2025 and 2030, respectively. By 2030, EVN intends to establish a cutting-edge scientific and technological institute with up to two laboratories, providing access to cutting-edge electrical research.

Raising the Bar for Excellence in Service and Quality
The majority of EVN’s efforts are focused on raising the standard of customer service and electricity distribution. The organization’s goal is to modernize and carry out its operations in a professional manner. It aims to be among the top three customer-service-oriented nations in ASEAN by 2025 and intends to remain there through 2045.

Creating a Logical and Coherent Power Structure
EVN will adhere to well considered principles for its strategic investments in power sources and grids in order to ensure efficacy, quality, and advancement in line with its development vision through 2045. The method emphasizes synchronization and rationality in production, transmission, distribution, and business operations. This structure allows EVN to easily integrate renewable energy sources on a large scale. Furthermore, the organization is dedicated to integrating state-of-the-art technologies to enhance security, reliability, and safeguard the environment. Because of EVN’s commitment to sustainability, existing coal power plant technology is being evaluated and may need to be updated in order to comply with environmental protection regulations.

Committed to a Sustainable Energy Future
EVN is unwavering in its commitment to managing the power system in a safe, dependable, and reasonable manner in accordance with Vietnam’s electricity market laws. The organization is dedicated to fostering sustainable market growth by maintaining reasonable costs for production and procurement. State and enterprise capital growth and preservation go hand in hand with the pursuit of better customer service and business operations. One of the main objectives is to increase the ability to secure financing for planned investments in power sources and the grid.

flourishing in terms of innovation and sustainability
EVN is a company that prioritizes financial stability, customer satisfaction, and creative talent development over maintaining its core values. These values enable modernization, global integration, and term growth. The organization actively conducts research and development in the fields of information technology, power, energy efficiency, and information security.

Taking Environmental Responsibility
As EVN moves closer to its goals, environmental preservation and adaptation to climate change remain essential components of its strategy. These programs are tailored to the company’s capabilities and meet the demands of the specific time period.

EVN’s trajectory towards establishing itself as a formidable and enduring economic powerhouse by 2030 is a testament to its resolute commitment to excellence, novelty, and ecological responsibility. The company’s tireless efforts are demonstrated by its unwavering commitment to both economic advancement and the greater good.

EVN successfully implements 96 power transmission projects in less than ten months.
By putting into action 96 power transmission projects with voltages ranging from 110 to 500 kV in the first ten months of 2021, the Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) has achieved an incredible feat. This demonstrates extraordinary fortitude in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic’s obstacles.

Moving Forward Despite Adversity
Notwithstanding the obstacles presented by the global health crisis, EVN has exhibited remarkable dedication by launching these initiatives. Nineteen of these projects consist of 220kV and 110kV transmission lines, while the remaining six are substantial 500kV grids.

Reliable Results Notwithstanding Challenges
Powering the nation remains EVN’s unwavering commitment. The group’s output in October of last year was 20.28 billion kWh, which was a little less than it was the year before. However, production hit an incredible 212.65 billion kWh in the first ten months of this year, a strong 3.1% increase over the same period last year. This achievement is especially remarkable considering the difficulties the current pandemic is causing.

Various Energy Sources
A more detailed analysis of the energy mix shows that a portfolio is diverse and well-balanced. The majority of energy was generated by coal-fueled power, which accounted for 47.4% of the total, while hydropower provided 29.9%. 10.6% of the energy mix was made up of gas-fueled power and 11.3% was made up of renewable energy sources. A meager 0.6% of the credit was also given to power imports.


  • “Tech Evn – Latest” is an amazing combination of human initiative, scientific discovery, and limitless creativity. A complex web of interconnected innovations is created by the tech environment. This is still having an effect on our society, from quantum computing breakthroughs to revolutions driven by AI. From biotechnological marvels to sustainable solutions, virtual worlds to augmented realities. There is one certainty when navigating this dynamic field’s ever-changing currents. “Tech Evn – Latest” is an exciting trip into the future that delves into the fundamentals of technology.
  • Power Vietnam (EVN) has set ambitious goals in keeping with the nation’s digital transformation program. With the help of innovative product development and state-of-the-art technologies, EVN is getting closer to its vision of a thriving digital Vietnam through the “Make in Vietnam” initiative. with an unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. EVN is at the forefront of propelling the nation’s shift towards digital transformation and sustainable growth.

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