Products Guide

is it safe to buy a GPU from Amazon?

is it safe to buy a GPU from Amazon?

Yes, you may purchase GPUs on Amazon. Look for Amazon-Fulfilled Products or legitimate merchants with High ratings, even if prices are more than other sellers.Avoid buying from new vendors if you don’t like risk.For electronics, I would prefer to you is Appario Retail

 Is it safe to buy a used GPU?

It’s a good question, but unfortunately the answer isn’t 100% clear. Let’s say, “it depends”.

The reason for the lack of clarity is a phenomenon going on in the used graphics card market right now, and since the time that cryptocurrencies have been on a downward value trend. This might take a bit of time to explain.

You see, when cryptocurrencies were especially hot, huge numbers of people purchased high-end video cards in large quantities to enable them to mine cryptocurrencies.

is it safe to buy a GPU from Amazon?


Cards used for mining were running 24×7 around the clock. Although that picture above of the Swedish mining operation looks like they were very careful about cooling, a lot of other mining operations took place in hot climates, such as southern China, and they were NOT particularly careful about cooling the cards. So mining cards were not only running constantly, but in many cases were running overheated for much of their lives.

And THAT means that used video cards used for cryptocurrency mining are very questionable. They frankly may not last for much longer.

So, if you’re buying a used video card from a friend, who you know has only used the card like normal people do? Go for it, that should work out just fine.

But if you’re buying off of ebay, and the history of the card is not clear? Then there is a good chance that it was used for mining, and I personally would not trust that it will last.


when is the best time to buy a graphics card from amazon ?

Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Prime Day are perfect for picking up a range of bargain graphics cards. Not only can you find the previous generations at a more affordable price, but you can often find the latest cards at a price that won’t require a second mortgage to buy.



How can I buy a graphics card from Amazon before a “scalpers’ bot?

What are “scalpers’ bot?

Scaping is an action to secure and purchase in-demand items, in bulk and resell them later at a profit, leading to the unavailability of the goods or services. The bots that use automated methods to stay in the front of the queue and do this are called a scalper’s bot. They complete the checkout process in a fraction of the time compared to the time used by any legitimate user. As of July 5th, 2019, the UK has banned the use of ticket scalping bots and imposed “unlimited” fines on anyone who are caught to break the law.

Scalpers’ bots are legal since there is nothing intrinsically illegal with the bot purchases and there aren’t any laws against reselling retail products at higher prices.

There are several ways that you can use to get ahead of the scaler bots to buy the graphics card from Amazon:

  1. You can rent a bot to scrap the Amazon website for you to let you know when the goods is on sale or in purchase. This is called “以毒攻毒” – which means fighting poison with poison.
  2. Ask Amazon to give you a notice one week before they plan to sell them. I wonder whether Amazon would agree to do that. Maybe you have to be a premium member or hand in a small amount of fee for the management. Ask Amazon.
  3. Ask Amazon to filter and control the bots that scrap its website for fetching the prices, although they can detect Bots and block their IPs. Suggest Amazon to keep a certain amount of products in stock for the customers after the price is listed on the website.
  4. Since Bots are not human beings and do not understand the implicit meaning or trend that you can find from Amazon website. When you look over Amazon website, pay attention to the selling information of any other related products or any words that give you hints for the sales of graphic cards for the next several days hopefully. After all, these mechanic code-manipulated bots can only detect the information by the input parameters that human beings give to them. In order to beat them, you need to use your human intelligence to combine all sources of information from posts, comments, etc. Maybe you can know the information ahead of the bots.




What’s the best graphics card for the money right now?

  • Finding the best graphics card for your specific needs can be daunting given the array of choices on the market today. With options from over a dozen manufacturers, available both online and in physical stores, it’s crucial to sift through the bins to identify the top-performing graphics card that meets your needs.
  • This year, the competition for the title of best GPU is fiercer than ever, with industry giants like AMD and Nvidia, alongside newcomers like Intel, vying for the top spot. Cutting through the glossy marketing claims to understand the real value of a graphics card is more important than ever.

 Depends on your needs. If you. for example, have an important task to do that requires a GPU, and it is crucial, then of course go for a gpu right now. If the task requires mid tier to high range GPU, then I would recommend you get an Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 or Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 or AMD Radeon RX 580. These are some good cards at a reasonable price. If the task requires high tier GPU, I would recommend an Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 super or Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070. Or, if you are just thinking of buying a GPU as a good-to-have-component in your pc (which it is), I would recommend an Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 (as mentioned before) or an AMD Radeon VEGA 570.


Is it safe for a gamer to buy a GPU that used for mining?

Miners generally undervolt and underclock their cards to use up the least amount of power while keeping their hashrates high, and temperatures low. This is the most profitable set up for them. This means that most miners don’t keep their GPUs at 100% usage (emphasis on *most*). This means that generally, these cards are kept in good condition and are taken care of. Just like some intense gamers, there are miners who put these cards at 100% so the odds of buying a well kept cards are pretty much the same from miners and gamers.

If you do decide to get one, try to get a personal warranty from the guy and like what the others suggested, stress test it to make sure that nothing in the card is damaged. You can also put the fans at 100% to see if there is any wobble or noise, as fans will probably be the first to break given their power-on time. And last, get it if the price is right.


Is it safe to buy an RTX 4090 computer graphics card off of Amazon? 

MSI Suprim…. probably one of the best versions of the 4090. The Strix is nice, but it’s unimpressive in comparison the Founder’s Edition model. The 4090 Founder’s Edition is actually quite good.

What I did is I bought it shipped and sold by Amazon, and not a 3rd party. I had to wait a few weeks for it to be shipped. Amazon automatically put a stipulation that I had to sign for the shipper…. so I ended up picking it up directly from a shipping center.

If you want to buy things off of amazon, then you need to figure out how their system works. There are no free lunches, and you won’t find a 4090 on amazon that’s being sold for a 20% discount. If you see a 4090 going for $1200usd, that’s being sold by a 3rd party, then it’s 100% a scam. Like I said, no free lunches.

should i buy nvidia or amd gpu ?

Nvidia’s dedicated RTX technology makes it the best choice for gamers in terms of pure performance, while AMD Radeon offers better value for money, making it more suitable for gamers on a budget.

How To Claim Warranty on Amazon

What is a warranty claim on Amazon?

Amazon offers a one-year guarantee from the date of purchase on manufacturing faults for both brand-new and fully-refurbished items. One of the greatest warranties in the business is offered by Amazon. Their A to Z guarantee sets a standard that online sellers have to follow. Please take aware that this device is only guaranteed for regular consumer use. The warranty might be voided by trying to fix the product.

How to File an Amazon Warranty Claim In Detail
The procedure differs depending on the product and seller if you wish to register a product and make a warranty claim on Amazon. Here’s a quick summary of everything you need to do, though.

Step 1: Check to see if your Amazon purchase is still covered by the guarantee. Save the original receipt or invoice as proof of purchase. When you file a warranty claim, you will need to provide this.

  1. Check the warranty information that the vendor or manufacturer has given.
  2. Find out whether the kind of product has a longer return period. If the product type is not mentioned or does not specify a different timeframe, the standard return window is 30 days.
  3. The majority of merchants adhere to Amazon’s return policy, however some suppliers have their own regulations. The same return policies apply to Amazon-fulfilled products if the seller’s listing is eligible for Amazon Prime.

Step 2: It might be necessary to register a warranty for some products. It is recommended that you follow the manufacturer’s or seller’s instructions to complete the warranty registration process. These instructions may involve going to a designated website, filling out a registration form, or mailing a warranty card.

  1. Amazon offers free Product Support services to customers whose products malfunction or need help being used. These services include phone calls, video chats via the internet, manufacturer contact information, and troubleshooting guides.

Step 3: Contact Amazon customer support for assistance if you have problems with a product that is still covered under warranty. Give thorough information regarding the faulty product, the particular difficulties you’re having, and any paperwork that may be needed. Your warranty claim will be initiated and handled by their support staff.

  1. The item may need to be returned for examination or replacement. As an alternative, they could advise you to take pictures or films that demonstrate the problem.
  2. The cost of return shipping and restocking will be deducted from the refund amount in the event that the return was paid for.
  3. In addition to extending the guarantee period, Amazon provides a wide range of extended warranties for its products, some of which can even cover accidental damage.
  4. Amazon provides a unique process for customers who purchased their items from vendors. This tactic is referred to as “buy and contact.” It provides alternatives to the defective products you bought from a retailer. On the other hand, you should order the replacement from the Amazon website, and you will be reimbursed for the cost of the new items.

Here are The best graphics cards Listed Below To Buy:

Guide before buying graphics cards:

Graphics card memory amount: Critical. For 1080p gaming, an 8GB may still suffice, but we’d really prefer at least 12GB or more. 4K gaming cards should generally have 16GB to be safe. 6GB cards from prior generations are really starting to struggle now.

  • Form factor: Very important. You need to make sure you have room in your case for your card. Look at the length, height, and thickness. Most modern graphics cards only come in full height form, and use two or more slots — some may even occupy four slots. The length of a card will typically range from a minimum of around 230mm to as long as 360mm. Many cases can only handle up to about 320mm, for reference.
  • TDP: Important. Thermal Design Power (also called Total Graphics Power / TGP or Typical Board Power / TBP) is a measurement of power use and heat dissipation. GPUs may use anywhere from around 125W (RTX 4060 and RX 6600) to as much as 450W (RTX 4090). Your CPU and the rest of your PC in contrast might need 300W at most, and perhaps 150W for lower spec hardware. A safe estimate is to get a power supply unit (PSU) that delivers triple the rated power of your graphics card, as optimal efficiency is typically in the 50–70 percent load range, though technically a quality 850W PSU should handle just about everything currently available.

Power Connectors: Important. All serious gaming cards draw more than the standard maximum of 75W that the x16 PCIe slot provides. These cards require connecting supplemental PCIe power connectors that come in 6-, 8-, 12-, and 16-pin varieties. Only Nvidia GPUs (for now) use the 16-pin and 12-pin connections, and those cards also include 8-pin adapter cables. Melting 16-pin connectors were an issue on early RTX 4090 cards, but that problem mostly appears solved now. Nearly all current generation GPUs from AMD, Nvidia, and Intel will use either one, two, three, or four 8-pin connectors.

  • Ports: Important. Some monitors have HDMI, others use DisplayPort, and some older units only have DVI. A few monitors also support USB Type-C routing DisplayPort signals, but these are relatively rare for the time being. Make sure the card you plan to buy has the connectors you need for your monitor(s), so you don’t have to buy an adapter — or potentially a new display (unless you want to). Have a choice and not sure which port you want to use? See our HDMI vs. DisplayPort story for more details.
  • Clock speed: Somewhat important. Among cards with the same GPU (ex: an RTX 4070), some will be manufacturer overclocked to a slightly higher speed, which can make a modest 3–5% difference in frame rates. Clock speed isn’t everything, however, as memory speed, core counts, and architecture need to be factored in. Better cooling often trumps clock speed as well, on cards with the same GPU.
  • CUDA Cores / Stream Processors / GPU Shaders: Somewhat important, like clock speed, as it only gives you part of what you need to know when trying to determine the approximate performance level of a GPU. Comparing core counts within the same architecture is more meaningful than comparing across different architectures. Looking at the number of CUDA cores on an RTX 4060 compared to Stream Processors on an RX 7600 won’t tell you as much — it’s why we run benchmarks.
  • TFLOPS / GFLOPS: Somewhat important, as this is basically clock speed and shader counts combined into a single figure. TFLOPS, or trillions of floating-point operations per second, is an indication of the maximum theoretical performance of a GPU. Core count multiplied by the clock speed GHz, multiplied by two (for FMA, or Fused Multiply Add instructions), will give you the TFLOPS for a GPU. Comparing within the same architecture, TFLOPS generally tells you how much faster on chip is compared to another. Comparing across architectures is less useful. For non-gaming purposes (e.g. AI stuff like Stable Diffusion), performance often scales more directly with theoretical compute (TFLOPS).
  • Memory speed / bandwidth: Somewhat important. Like higher clock speeds, faster VRAM can make one card perform better than another. Larger L2 and L3 caches on modern GPUs can mitigate the lack of raw bandwidth, however, which is why the RTX 4060 with “only” 272 GB/s of bandwidth still beats the RTX 3060 with 448 GB/s of bandwidth.

Can it support VR, and do you care?

If you want to use your GPU with a PC VR HMD, you need at least a midrange card. Some VR games are a lot more demanding, however, so while an RTX 2060 in theory might suffice, you might be better off with an RTX 4080, RX 7900 XT, or similar. The card requirements of course increase with newer, higher-resolution headsets. Obviously, this isn’t a critical factory if you have no interest in VR.

What about ray tracing and AI?

We discussed this above, but to briefly recap, Nvidia’s RTX GPUs are the best solution for ray tracing, and also the only solution for DLSS. AMD’s RX 7000-series GPUs can compete with Nvidia’s 30-series in ray tracing, more or less, but heavier RT workloads (like path tracing) may require an Nvidia 40-series GPU to have a chance at decent performance. Intel’s Arc GPUs are about the same level of RT performance as the RTX 3060 for the A750/A770, and a bit slower for the A580.

AMD and Intel both have alternatives to DLSS, in the form of FSR (2/3 now) and XeSS. Uptake of FSR has been pretty good overall, XeSS somewhat less so. For the most demanding games, upscaling is almost a pre-requisite these days.

Game support for DXR (DirectX Raytracing) and DLSS/FSR2/XeSS continues to improve, but there are tons of games where it’s simply not an important consideration. If you like to turn on all the bells and whistles, placebo effect increases in image quality be damned, that’s fine.



1. AMD Radeon RX 7800 XT

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IMG Source

See Price :



To say I’ve been looking forward to the AMD Radeon RX 7800 XT for over a year is an understatement, and if I were to judge this card on its merits, I have to say that this is easily one of the best graphics card releases we’ve gotten out of this generation. My heart, though, knows that it should have been even better, so I can’t help but feel slightly disappointed.

Released right on the heels of Labor Day here in the US, getting this card properly tested was obviously going to be a heavy lift, so when my preliminary benchmark numbers showed it edging out the Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 by about 2% overall (while not getting as badly crushed by Nvidia‘s midrange rival in ray-tracing performance as during the previous generation), I figured this card was going to be an easy one to review.

Coming in at $499.99 (about £380/AU$725) compared to the RTX 4070’s MSRP of $599.99 (about £460/AU$870), that roughly 17% price difference in AMD’s favor is going to make a world of difference for a lot of gamers out there looking to upgrade to a current-gen midrange card.


Core Clock: 1,295 MHz (2,430 MHz Boost)

Shaders: 3,840

Ray Processors: 60

AI Processors: 120

Memory: 16GB GDDR6

Memory Clock: 19.4 Gbps effective

Outputs: 1 x HDMI 2.1, 3 x DisplayPort 2.1

Power Connectors: 2 x 8-pin

TDP: 263W

Passmark 3D Graphics Score, As Tested: 28,430

GeekBench 6 Compute (Avg), As Tested: 148,636

PugetBench for Photoshop, As Tested: 1,578

HandBrake 1.6, 4K to 1080p (FPS), As Tested: 168

Average 1080p Gaming FPS, As Tested: 111

Average 1440p Gaming FPS, As Tested: 86

Average 4K Gaming FPS, As Tested: 56

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(Image credit: Future / Infogram)


  • Better rasterization than RTX 4070+
  • Improved ray tracing performance+
  • 16GB VRAM and AI cores


  • +Better rasterization than RTX 4070
  • +Improved ray tracing performance
  • +16GB VRAM and AI cores
  • +Much cheaper than its rival


  • Only marginally than the RX 6800 XT
  • Ray tracing and upscaling still lag behind Nvidia
  • Still power hungry
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In short, if you’re planning on gaming without ray tracing, there is no question that between the RX 7800 XT and RTX 4070, the RX 7800 XT is the card you’ll want to buy. 

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2. ZOTAC Gaming GeForce RTX 4070 Ti 12GB

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See Price :


Core Clock: 2,310 MHz (2,610 MHz Boost)

Shaders: 7,680

Ray Processors: 60

AI Processors: 240

Memory: 12GB GDDR6X

Memory Clock: 21Gbps

Power Connectors: 1 x 16-pin

Outputs: 1 x HDMI 2.1, 3 x DisplayPort 1.4a

Power Draw (TDP): 285

Passmark 3D Graphics Score, As Tested:: 42,254

GeekBench 6 Compute (Avg), As Tested: 194,536

PugetBench for PhotoShop, As Tested: 1,787

HandBrake 1.6, 4K to 1080p (FPS), As Tested:: 206

verage 1080p Gaming FPS, As Tested:: 149

verage 1440p Gaming FPS, As Tested:: 111

verage 4K Gaming FPS, As Tested:: 71


The Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 Ti came onto the scene needing to score a real win if Team GReen had any hope of reigning in a resurgent AMD, and this is exactly the right graphics card to do that.

The RTX 4070 Ti isn’t the best graphics card Nvidia’s ever put out, and its launch has been somewhat overshadowed by the major stumbles Nvidia has made since Jensen Huang first announced the Nvidia Lovelace launch lineup back in September — which was really more of a brief aside during a presentation overwhelmingly devoted to getting us to care about the Omniverse, but I digress.

And, lest we forget, the RTX 4070 Ti is identical in substance to the “unlaunched” RTX 4080 12GB that was initially announced to the confusion of many, and it’s not surprising that there is no Founders Edition for this card, since you really can’t scratch a 7 out from an 8 in RTX 4080.


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  • Third-gen RT cores
  • DLSS 3 with full frame generation
  • Lower TDP

The RTX 4070 Ti is built on Nvidia’s new Lovelace GPU architecture, which features a significantly smaller TSMC process than the last-gen Nvidia Ampere architecture. At 4nm, as opposed to Ampere’s 8nm process from Samsung, we’re getting significantly faster clock speeds as well as more energy efficiency with this generation. The RTX 4070 Ti has just over twice as many transistors as the RTX 3070 Ti while packing them into a GPU die about 75% of the size of the RTX 3070 Ti’s silicon, and you can see it in the RTX 4070 Ti’s slightly lower TDP (285W to 290W for the RTX 3070 Ti).

The RTX 4070 Ti we reviewed, the Asus Tuf GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Gaming OC 12GB, also features a higher boost clock (but not that much more than Nvidia’s reference specs) but both the reference clocks and the actual clocks on our Asus card are nearly a full 1,000 MHz faster than those of the RTX 3070 Ti, so this card is seriously fast.

ComponentNvidia GeForce RTX 4070 Ti (Base)Asus Tuf RTX 4070 Ti OC
Price$799 / £799 / AU$1,479$849 / £859 / AU$1,669
CUDA Cores7,6807,680
RT Cores6060
Tensor Cores240240
Base Clock2,310MHz2,310MHz
Boost Clock2,610MHz2,730MHz
Memory Clock1,313MHz1,313MHz
Bus Size192-bit192-bit
Memory Bandwidth504.2 GB/s504.2 GB/s

As I said before, this is essentially the unlaunched RTX 4080 12GB, and so it has the same specs as that unlaunched card did, including 7,680 CUDA cores, 60 ray tracing cores, and 240 Tensor cores for doing all those tricky machine learning calculations needed to power the new DLSS 3 with full frame generation, which is as big a deal today as DLSS 2.0 was when it launched with Nvidia Ampere and made fast 4K gaming a reality for gamers around the world.

On the memory side, there is 12GB GDDR6X VRAM, the same as in the unlaunched RTX 4080, as is both the memory clock (1,313MHz) and 192-bit memory bus (for a total memory bandwidth of 504.2GB/s). If you’re worried that 12GB might be a bit too low for a 4K graphics card, you don’t need to worry about that with this card. There is more than enough to power a high-refresh 4K display, which is something that the RTX 3070 Ti could only do on the most restrictive of settings.

That memory though is too little to really power 8K content at fast speeds, and even if you could get more than 60 fps at 8K in any given game, the RTX 4070 Ti is locked in at 60Hz for 8K video thanks to its lack of DisplayPort 2.1 output, so you’ll never be able to game faster than 60 fps at 8K. 

The RX 7900 XT, on the other hand, has both the memory and the output capacity to go as high as 165Hz at 8K, though it would only really be able to natively manage more than 60 fps on an 8K display with very low lift games like esports titles and the like. 

Still, it’s possible for the RX 7900 XT, and it’s really not with the RTX 4070 Ti, which is a shame. 8K gaming isn’t really here yet beyond a couple of titles like Spider-man: Miles Morales, but with higher refresh rate 8K displays set to hit the market in the next year or two, the RTX 4070 Ti feels less future-proof than a card this expensive should be.


  • +Excellent gaming performance
  • +An excellent “budget” creative workstation GPU
  • +Cheapest next-gen graphics card on the market


  • No Founders Edition
  • Only DisplayPort 1.4a
  • 12GB VRAM isn’t great for 8K gaming
  • 4K gaming on a 1440p GPU
  • Great “budget” graphics card for creative pros
  • Competent ray tracing at 4K, especially with DLSS


Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 TiAMD Radeon RX 7900 XTNvidia GeForce RTX 4080
Price:$799 / £799 / AU$1479$899 / £899 / AU$1,619$1,199 / £1,199 / AU$1,999
Boost Clock2,610MHz2,394MHz2,505MHz
Memory Bandwidth504.2 GB/s800.0 GB/s716.8 GB/s
Streaming Multiprocessors7,6805,3769,728
Ray Tracing Cores608476
Tensor Cores240N/A304
Connector1 x 16-pin2 x 8-pin1 x 16-pin
Outputs1 x HDMI 2.1 3 x DisplayPort 1.4a1 x HDMI 2.1a, 2 x DisplayPort 2.1, 1 x USB Type-C1 x HDMI 2.1, 3 x DisplayPort 1.4a

3. GeForce RTX 2080

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see price:

raphics CoprocessorNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
Graphics Ram Size8 GB
GPU Clock Speed1515 MHz
Video Output InterfaceHDMI

About this item

  • Chipset: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080
  • Core Clocks: 1710 MHz
  • Video Memory: 8GB GDDR6
  • Memory Interface: 256-bit
  • Output: DisplayPort x 3 (V1.4)/HDMI 2.0B x 1/USB Type-C x 1

Product information

Technical Details

Collapse all


Memory Speed‎1710 MHz
Graphics Coprocessor‎NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
Chipset Brand‎NVIDIA
Graphics Card Ram Size‎8 GB

Other Technical Details

Series‎GeForce RTX 2080 VENTUS 8G
Item model number‎GeForce RTX 2080 VENTUS 8G
Item Weight‎3.12 pounds
Product Dimensions‎10.6 x 1.7 x 4.5 inches
Item Dimensions LxWxH‎10.6 x 1.7 x 4.5 inches
Manufacturer‎MSI COMPUTER
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer‎No
Date First Available‎December 4, 2018

Additional Information

Customer Reviews4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars    364 ratings
4.3 out of 5 stars
Best Sellers Rank#3,703 in Computer Graphics Cards

Warranty & Support Return Policy:You may return any new computer purchased from that is “dead on arrival,” arrives in damaged condition, or is still in unopened boxes, for a full refund within 30 days of purchase. reserves the right to test “dead on arrival” returns and impose a customer fee equal to 15 percent of the product sales price if the customer misrepresents the condition of the product. Any returned computer that is damaged through customer misuse, is missing parts, or is in unsellable condition due to customer tampering will result in the customer being charged a higher restocking fee based on the condition of the product. will not accept returns of any desktop or notebook computer more than 30 days after you receive the shipment. New, used, and refurbished products purchased from Marketplace vendors are subject to the returns policy of the individual vendor.

Product Description

Nvidia Turing architecture. This revolutionary architecture, combined with our all-new GeForce RTX platform, fuses together real-time Ray tracing, artificial intelligence, and programmable shading. You’ve never created and enjoyed games like this before. Ray tracing is the definitive solution for lifelike lighting, reflections, and shadows, offering a level of realism far beyond what’s possible using traditional rendering Techniques. Nvidia Turing is the first GPU capable of real-time Ray tracing. Geforce RTX gaming GPUs come loaded with next-generation GDDR6 memory, support for DirectX 12 features, and more. This is graphics reinvented.

4. Nvidia GeForce RTX 4060

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Nvidia really wants you to know that the Nvidia GeForce RTX 4060 is a card for those who are still running a GTX 1060 or RTX 2060, and it’s really Team Green’s best marketing strategy for this card.

To be clear, the Nvidia RTX 4060 is respectably better than the Nvidia RTX 3060 it replaces, and comes in at a lower launch MSRP of $299 (about £240/AU$450) than its predecessor. Its 1080p gaming performance is the best you’re going to find under $300, and its 1440p performance is pretty solid, especially when you turn on DLSS. If you’re playing a game with DLSS 3 and frame generation, even better.

Unfortunately, the card’s 4K performance suffers due to the limited video memory it’s working with, which is a 50% decrease from the initial RTX 3060 run’s 12GB VRAM pool (though at least it doesn’t go below the 8GB of the later RTX 3060s).

  • 3rd-gen ray tracing and 4th-gen tensor cores
  • Only 8GB VRAM
  • DLSS 3 with Frame Generation under $300
Nvidia GeForce RTX 4060 Reference SpecsAsus Dual GeForce RTX 4060 OC Edition Specs
Process NodeTSMC 5nmTSMC 5nm
Transistor Count18.9 billion18.9 billion
Boost Clock2,460MHz2,505MHz (default) / 2,535MHz (performance mode)
Memory Bus128-bit128-bit
L2 Cache24MB24MB
Memory Speed17 Gbps17 Gbps
Memory Bandwidth272 GB/s272 GB/s
CUDA Cores3,0723,072
Ray Tracing Cores2424
Tensor Cores9696
Outputs3 x DisplayPort 1.4a, 1 x HDMI 2.1a3 x DisplayPort 1.4a, 1 x HDMI 2.1a

In terms of specs, the Nvidia GeForce RTX 4060 is a marked improvement over the Nvidia RTX 3060 thanks to a smaller TSMC 5nm process node compared to the RTX 3060’s 8nm Samsung node. It also features much faster clock speeds, with a roughly 39% faster base and boost clock speed.

You also have a faster memory speed, but a smaller VRAM pool and smaller memory bus, so you end up with a roughly 25% smaller memory bandwidth, which really puts a ceiling on higher resolution performance.

Still, with faster clock speeds, more mature ray tracing and tensor cores, and a lower TGP than its predecessor, this is one of the most powerful and energy-efficient graphics cards in its class. 


ValueFor a sub-$300 graphics card, the RTX 4060 offers an incredible value.4.5 / 5
Features & chipsetThe 8GB VRAM on this card is disappointing, but DLSS 3 at this price and the dramatically lower TGP saves it in a huge way.4.5 / 5
DesignThe RTX 4060 gets docked a half point for not having a reference card, but the low TGP means no one needs to use Nvidia’s stupid 12VHPWR cable.4.5 / 5
PerformanceIn terms of 1080p gaming performance, this card is the best it gets at this price point.5 / 5
TotalThe RTX 4060 goes toe-to-toe with the AMD RX 7600, but at a higher price point, the selling point on this card is its best-in-class 1080p performance. If you want the best 1080p card, this is it.4.625 / 5

Buy it if…

You want the best 1080p gaming under $300
This card is a 1080p champ in its weight class, even if it walks right up to the line of the middle midrange.

You want fantastic ray tracing support
Nvidia pioneered real-time ray tracing in games, and it really shows here.


  • +Best-in-class 1080p performance
  • +Under $300
  • +DLSS 3 with Frame Generation
  • +Moderate 1440p gaming is possible


  • Best features depend on developers implementing DLSS 3
  • Only 8GB VRAM

5. GeForce GTX 1660 Super 6GB

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Technical Details


Max Screen Resolution‎7680 x 4320
Memory Speed‎1785 MHz
Graphics Coprocessor‎NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660
Chipset Brand‎NVIDIA
Card Description‎GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER
Graphics Card Ram Size‎6 GB

Other Technical Details

Series‎GTX 1660 Super 6GB GDDR6
Item model number‎Geforce GTX 1660 SUPER TWIN FAN
Operating System‎Windows 10 (April 2018 update or later / 7 (64 bit)
Item Weight‎0.035 ounces
Product Dimensions‎6.83 x 1.39 x 4.38 inches
Item Dimensions LxWxH‎6.83 x 1.39 x 4.38 inches
Color‎GTX 1660 Super
Country of Origin‎Taiwan
Date First Available‎October 17, 2019


How To, Affiliate, Guide, News

Which graphics card is more powerful?

While the best graphics card isn’t always the one with the most raw performance, there’s no question that performance matters for potential buyers, and it matters a lot. If what you’re looking for is the best performance from a consumer GPU, then the Nvidia RTX 4090 found up above in our list is easily the performance champion. It’s not even close either; everyone else is playing for second place, and unless you’ve got stacks to burn, most people will be fortunate if they can afford even the second and third place finishers.

Which graphics card is best for gaming?

Generally speaking, the best graphics card for gaming is going to depend on several factors. Things like what kind of games you like to play, what resolution you play at and whether or not you care about fancy features like ray tracing and DLSS are incredibly important. 

For example, if you just want to play all the latest games at 1080p with high settings, you can get by with an Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 or an AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT. But if you want to play everything totally maxed out with ray tracing at 4K, you’re probably going to want to go for something like the RTX 3080 Ti instead. 

What is the best brand for graphics cards?

The age-old question of whether Nvidia or AMD is the best brand for graphics cards will likely never go away. Right now, both GPU manufacturers are basically on equal ground, and what will ultimately be right for you probably won’t be right for someone else. 

Generally, if you like ray tracing, Nvidia will probably have the edge for you and in the past AMD was better for people on a budget. 

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