BlogAffiliate Programs

Best Blogging Niche – 15 That Will Make Money (Easily)

Most Profitable Blog Niches for 2024 (Based On Real Data)


How to start a blog

1. Find a profitable niche

2. Choose a name and get online

3. Design and optimize your blog

4. Get on a schedule

5. Track your metrics

How to make money blogging

6. Promote your blog

7. Run ads

8. Affiliate marketing

9. Sell digital or physical products or services

10. Partner with brands

Blogging FAQs

Explore related posts

How to begin a blog

Every prosperous blog has a ton of excellent material. But in order to earn money from your blog, you must provide your readers something of value. This will encourage them to stick with you and give you the daily page views you require. You’ve only just started blogging. Start your own blog and get organized with our step-by-step guide to attract readers and generate revenue.

  1. Identify a lucrative niche

Determining what you want to blog about is the first step towards starting a successful blog. There are a gazillion themes to choose from, but the first step is to choose a niche and cut down the focus of your blog.

A blog niche is a broad concept or subject on which you would concentrate your writing, such as technology, fashion, culinary, or travel. You risk confusing and alienating your readers by starting a blog without a specific focus and writing about everything that piques your interest. Developing a devoted following of people who understand or are curious in your blog’s specialty is your aim. Thus, concentrate your blog on a single broad subject.

Your niche encompasses more than simply your main subject; it also refers to your intended readership, writing style, and entire blog strategy. The best niches are those that actually fascinate you and inspire you to keep producing fresh material. Ideally, your niche should be something you are enthusiastic about.

There are a lot of topics to write about, but how do you pick one? Ask yourself some of these often asked questions if you’re unsure:

Which pastimes are your favorites?

What piques your curiosity the most? Regarding what do you have a strong passion?

Which desire or goal have you had since you were a little child?

Which principles would you like to spread throughout the world?

Do you wish to learn how to do a craft or pastime?

Do you have any life accomplishments you are particularly proud of?

By responding to these questions, you ought to have a few viable niche ideas now. Unfortunately, you can’t choose any niche—you have to be sure it has the potential to be profitable.

First, decide whether your subject has enough subtopics for you to publish articles about on a regular basis. For instance, there are tens of thousands of locations, goods, and best practices for possible blog pieces if travel is your specialty. You may run into trouble if your specialization is overly narrow. To find out if you can establish a significant blog in your field, brainstorm as many prospective blog entries as you can. Investigate trends related to your issue by conducting keyword research. If you’re having trouble coming up with blog article ideas, think about changing or refining your specialty.

Do some audience research as well. Blogging does not happen in a vacuum, therefore you need to be sure that other people are as interested in your subject as you are. Utilize free keyword research tools like Google Trends to see whether people are actually interested in your subject. Consider changing your specialization if enthusiasm is waning or nonexistent.

  1. Decide on a name and log on.

Choosing a name and putting your blog live are the next steps in starting a successful blog. Your blog name might serve as a representation of you, your company, your main blog subjects, or any combination of these. To make it easier for readers to comprehend what your blog is about right away, try to include your specialty in the title of each post. Consider the kind of tone you wish to set for your blog.

Setting up your blog on the internet is the next step. You must select a web hosting platform and a blogging platform, commonly referred to as a Content Management System (CMS), in order to accomplish this.

A blogging platform, which is essentially a website builder, is a service that enables bloggers to develop, manage, and publish their blog material online. WordPress, Wix, Weebly, and Squarespace are a few of the well-known blogging systems (but there are many more available). Find the ideal one for you by doing some research.

When someone clicks on or uses your URL, a web hosting platform “hosts” and protects your blog so that visitors may view it. GoDaddy, Dreamhost, Bluehost, and HostGator are a few well-known web hosts; nevertheless, shop around to find the perfect fit for you.

Select a domain name at the end. You should pick an item that accurately represents your blog and makes it immediately apparent to readers what your site is about. If you are a local food blogger based in Chicago, for instance, having a domain name like makes it apparent to readers what your blog is about right away.

  1. Create and enhance your blog.

Make your design unified.

A well-designed blog establishes credibility by showing readers that you are genuinely invested in their experience and have taken the time to make it look polished or interesting. That does not, however, imply that you should overcrowd your blog with bizarre formatting and images. Instead, a good place to start is by staying with a structure that is clear, concise, and easy to read. Many people learn best visually, therefore whether they want to or not, they will evaluate your blog and its apparent usefulness as soon as they land on your website. Even if you are creating quality content, if your blog is hard to use and confusing to the eye, readers will associate it more with the disorganized aesthetics than the useful information. To put it briefly, design matters. Here are some guidelines for design to heed:

Make sure that every article can be read by taking into account the font size and type (try choosing a clean sans-serif font, for example).

Subheaders can help you organize your material.Divide your blog post into manageable, shorter chunks.

Employ text formatting to draw attention to specific areas of your writing. Bolding and italicizing are two examples.

Post a relevant photo at the start of your article to grab readers’ attention and quickly convey the basic theme of the piece. Include images as much as possible in your essay. In case you’re seeking for free photos, have a look at this tutorial.

Create the primary pages of your blog.

Content is necessary for your blog. However, you need first construct the About and Contact pages, which are essential for every blog, even before moving further.

The purpose of your About page is to present some basic information about you. This is your chance to introduce yourself, your work, and the reasons why readers should pay attention to you. The following is a list of things to put on your About page:

Basic details: A synopsis of your professional and personal background as well as the topic of your blog

Your account: Describe your life’s experiences that led you to establish this blog and how you got started.

Value proposition: What makes your blog valuable to readers and why they should read it

Recent successes that lend credibility to you and your blog

Interesting trivia: Share a little more about yourself with your audience than just your blog or business.

If your blog follows a specific flow, offer call-to-actions (CTAs) to posts for new readers and suggestions for where they should go next.

You give directions to your audience on how to reach you on your reach page. You may use this website to connect directly with your audience and make yourself available for employment by individuals or companies. Make sure prospective clients or customers may contact you if you are providing particular services for a charge (more on this later). Include a contact form to expedite the procedure. You are welcome to separate these pages into a Hire Me and a Contact page.

Make SEO-friendly

The process of improving your website so that search engines can discover you more quickly and comprehend your material better is known as SEO, or search engine optimization. Optimizing your site specifically for search engines makes it easier for them to locate your material, which increases the number of individuals that discover your blog naturally.

It’s crucial to get search engines to index your content first. First and foremost, you have to inform Google about your blog’s existence. You must upload your sitemap to Google Search Console in order to accomplish this. As soon as Google starts indexing your site, you can start monitoring its metrics—a topic we will cover in more detail later on.

The next thing you should do is keyword-level optimize your content. To find popular terms with a large search volume, use free sites like Google Trends or Google’s Keyword Planner. Ensure that the headers contain those keywords. People will pay attention to these headers, and Google will too. Make sure your header title clearly states the topic of your blog content. Subheaders are a useful tool for organizing your blog and providing context for each part that follows.

Finally, ensure that every article has an SEO-friendly blog URL. The main term or phrase your blog is about and the search query you are attempting to rank for should be included in these URLs. When developing an SEO-friendly URL, keep the following recommended practices in mind:

Try to limit the length of your URL to no more than five words.

Steer clear of numbers. For example, if your post lists the top 10 hiking locations in the Bay Area, you don’t need to include the number 10 in your URL.

Use hyphens to divide each word so that readers may more easily determine what your blog article is about just by looking at the URL.

Some incorrect URLs could resemble this, using the blog article “The 10 Best Hiking Spots in the Bay Area” as an example above. / 10 best hikes in the Bay Area

An ideal URL might resemble this:

  1. Establish a timetable.

Regularly publishing new content is essential to building a successful blog. You will get more traffic the more material you publish. Search engines also take into account how frequently a website is updated and adds new information. Although there is no such thing as too much blogging, how much material should you produce for your blog?

Aim for 1-2 blog entries per week when you first start out. Aim for three to four blog entries every week until you get the hang of it and have a better understanding of your niche and target audience. Aim for 12 blog entries or more every month, ideally. Staying organized is crucial, even if this may feel overwhelming.

Make an editorial plan and keep yourself accountable to ensure you update often and remain on top of your job. Come up with blog post ideas at the start of the month and plan your content on the calendar. Don’t be too ambitious; instead, choose reasonable goals. To stay organized, you might make use of an online calendar or a spreadsheet program. Add the title, keywords, and publishing date as well as the current status.

  1. Monitor your performance indicators

Monitoring your blog’s analytics is essential to its development and direction as it allows you to determine the most popular blog articles and the kinds of information that your readers are interested in reading. Step 3 included registering for Google Search Console (GSC) in order to map your blog. It’s time to track your metrics and work closely with the data using this application.

GSC provides a tonne of information, so start by concentrating on the Performance tab located on the left. You may view this here.

Total clicks: the number of times a visitor has clicked to visit your website

How many times a person viewed a link to your website in search results is known as the total impressions.

Click-through rate (CTR) average: the proportion of impressions that led to a click

Average position: how your website appears on average in search results

Top queries: the searches that bring people to your website from your audience

Top pages: which of your blog entries are achieving the most results?

nations: where the people in your audience live

Devices: tablet, smartphone, or desktop And a ton more. With a deeper awareness of your readership, you can better target your content and improve your blog. This is made possible by the wealth of information that GSC offers.

For instance, here is the GSC view for The Best Logo Fonts and How to Choose Your Own, one of our blog entries. Here, we can see the performance of this blog post as well as the search terms that lead readers to this page.

How To, Affiliate, Guide, News

These insights help us better tailor blog posts in the future – when we know what our audience is searching for and what they’re clicking on we can optimize our blog for our viewers.

Additionally Consider diving into Google Analytics – a free tool that collects your website’s data to create reports providing you with valuable insights about your business.

Tracking your metrics is also essential for proving your growth and value as an influencer so you can start landing advertising and brand deals (which we will get into in the next section).

How to make money blogging

Once you’re confident that your blog is prepared to launch consistently great content you’re ready to learn how to make money blogging and truly create an online business. But monetization can be a tricky thing. Don’t worry; we’ve got you! Get started with these five tips to help guide your monetization strategy:

6. Promote your blog

Nowadays a big part of learning how to make a living blogging is learning the art of digital marketing.

While marketing tactics like search engine optimization (SEO) and Google advertising can help you get plenty of page views digital marketing helps you build relationships by allowing your audience to interact with the authentic you. With strong relationships comes greater loyalty which enables you to influence your followers’ purchasing behavior — and influencers can access some of the best-paid opportunities out there.

Promoting your blog is the first step to building a substantial audience (which you need in order to have a profitable blog). Consider these four tips for building your blogger brand on social media.

Choose the right channels

Being a blogger means you’re already spending a lot of time building out your editorial strategy and writing every post. To maximize the time you set aside for social media make sure you’re choosing the social media channels your audience is actually on.

For example if your blog is focused on marketing tips or freelancing choosing a business-focused platform like LinkedIn is definitely smart. If you’re starting a travel or food blog Pinterest can be a powerful platform for driving readers to your blog. If your target audience is Gen Z consider TikTok.

Some social media channels and forums to consider include

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • TikTok
  • YouTube
  • LinkedIn
  • Reddit
  • Snapchat

Find out what social media sites your audience is using the most and which ones fit your niche and promote yourself on those channels. Join relevant online communities (like LinkedIn or Facebook groups) and use those to promote your blog.

Additionally consider guest blogging. Taking up freelance work allows your name to be displayed on other websites increasing visibility and potentially driving traffic to your blog.

Keep your branding consistent

When people visit your social media pages they should feel like it’s an extension of your blog. Your blogger brand should be one cohesive experience so the relationships you build on social media translate into results on your website.

Part of this is keeping your voice and tone consistent in every caption as well as making sure your blog name domain name and social media usernames all match. Beyond that your visual branding should match your blog aesthetic. Use the same logo or headshot for your profile picture and utilize complementary photography styles and color palettes.

Promote yourself not just your blog posts

It’s important to share each of your blog entries on social media, but you should also let your readers see the person behind the computer. Show off your hobbies, interests, and beliefs whether you’re providing a personal update or responding to comments!

Facebook Stories and Instagram Stories are incredibly entertaining platforms for sharing personal information and interacting with other people. Genuineness is crucial; share a little bit of yourself with your audience!

Build an email list

Building an email list and creating a newsletter is a great way to keep existing readers engaged. Create sign-up opportunities on your blog (at the end of your blog posts on your homepage etc.) and start building out your list. Consider using an email-marketing service like Mailchimp to help automate the process.

7. Run ads

As a novice blogger, generating revenue online might be challenging, but the most conventional method of earning from blogging, on-site advertising, will probably present the most straightforward chance in the beginning. Verify that your website has enough area for advertising. You could choose to place them in a pop-up window or in your sidebar. You may connect with paid advertisers through ad networks such as and Google AdSense. You may earn money from their advertising depending on views and clicks, and they appear in specific sections of your website.

Specifically, for your blog to be eligible for AdSense, it must have:

original and captivating material

A well-structured navigation bar

Several important static pages, such as the privacy policy and contact pages

Although official traffic standards are unknown, AdSense-approved websites usually have a steady stream of high-quality content and page views. Therefore, before applying, work on growing your audience and analytics for at least six months.

Ad network earnings may not be very high during your first year of operation. However, you may simply start making thousands of dollars a year after you get 50,000 blog views per month and significant website traffic. To determine a profits estimate depending on your location blog category and monthly visits, use this Google AdSense income calculator.

8. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most common income streams for professional bloggers. This earning opportunity tasks you with promoting a third party’s products — usually using a link or promo code that’s unique to your blog — in exchange for commission earned on each affiliate product sold.

It’s a great way to earn passive income by providing companies with content marketing services on your blog. Just by writing one blog post you can continuously earn commission on sales from visitors over time especially if your post is optimized for Google search with relevant keywords throughout.

Most affiliate programs do require a minimum number of monthly blog visits and sales volume and some may require a social media following too. Some popular affiliate programs you can join include:

  • Amazon Associates: earn anywhere from 1-20% commission depending on the product type.
  • eBay Partner Network: earn between 50-70% commission depending on product type
  • Commission Junction: commission varies depending on the advertiser but is typically between 5-10%
  • ClickBank: earn between 50-70% on average

But this is just a short list of a few popular affiliate programs – there are many others you can look into. If you select higher-paying programs or sell more expensive products you don’t need a lot of people to buy to make your first $1000.

9. Sell digital or physical products or services

Once you have a robust following consider creating an eCommerce platform within your blog. Sell products related to your blog or what your readers need. For example if you are writing a fashion blog consider creating your own line of loungewear that your audience can purchase. Think about a problem your audience may have and try to solve it by selling your own physical products.

Additionally consider creating a paid-membership community or opportunity. If you have experiences or skills that could benefit others create workshops or guides with all of your best advice and sell them to your audience. Consider packaging all of your strategies tactics and tutorials into an online course or digital product. Maybe you can host an online workshop to connect directly with your audience and help guide them in a specific aspect of their lives or professional careers.

The great thing about this avenue is that you don’t need a massive following to get this up and running – you can create physical or digital products or services from the get-go and sit back as you watch your channel grow.

10. Partner with brands

In addition to joining affiliate programs and selling your own products or services successful bloggers frequently pitch directly to brands. But before you start aiming for brand partnerships having a media kit prepared for the people and businesses you want to work with is a must.

Create a media kit

media kit is a document that summarizes who you are and why the other party should work with you. It typically includes an intro about you your mission and your values as well as details about who your audience is with some key stats if possible.

Perhaps most importantly it should include information about your blog traffic social media following email list size and any other relevant (and impressive) details. These metrics will convince business owners to partner with you more than any introduction.

With Adobe Express you can create a beautiful media kit within minutes so you can show up to your next pitch prepared like the pro blogger you are. Tap this example to start browsing through media kit templates that you can easily customize to reflect you and your blog.

Partner directly with brands

Now that you’ve got a professional media kit in hand it’s time to put it into action. You can start pitching brands to earn from sponsored posts product reviews and even long-term blog partnerships.

To stay faithful to your brand and effectively convert as many readers as possible, make a list of businesses you wish to collaborate with, especially those that match your niche. Naturally, remain realistic about your chances during this procedure. It is advised that you begin by writing to small firms rather than immediately approaching a Fortune 500 company.

Create your sponsorship proposal next. Don’t forget to follow up and be clear about the benefits of working with you and what you’re giving. Although it is not advisable to concentrate on expenses until you have initiated communication with the brand, ensure that your base rates are computed and accessible for future discussions.

You may be generating a sizable income from your own freelance writing business if you begin to win bids from companies and add that money to your ad revenue and affiliate marketing commission. As your readership increases, you can even receive sponsorship offers straight from businesses thanks to your new blog! With a little perseverance on your side and our advice on how to earn a livelihood blogging, you may soon be leaving your day job to concentrate on your love.

It’s important to maintain relationships with your audience, existing partners, and future partners while you work your way toward a reliable part-time or full-time income. Explore more blogger templates on Adobe Express to produce graphics that support you in maintaining your brand’s growth and interacting with the people who really matter!

Blogging FAQs

How To, Affiliate, Guide, News

What is a blog?

A blog is a frequently updated web page or website that is used for either personal or business needs. Blogs are typically written in a more informal style and are most often run by an individual or a small group of people. Blogs are meant to fill a certain niche and build a following around that topic.

What does “blog” stand for?

The term “blog” is short for “weblog” which is a term coined in 1997 by Jorn Barger that means the process of “logging the web” and was later shortened to “blog.” Originally this term represented a personal web journal. Today the term is much more encompassing.

How long should a blog post be?

To best optimize for SEO and rank well organically each blog post should be around 2000-2500 words. Blog posts of this length give you ample opportunities to include relevant keywords and various subsections that will help your post rank better and attract a wider audience. However as long as the blog post is at least 300 words it will still rank in search engines.

How do bloggers make money?

Bloggers make money in 5 main ways:

  • Advertisements: selling space on their web page or website for companies to advertise on
  • Affiliate marketing: promoting a third-party’s products in exchange for earning a commission
  • Products: creating physical products to sell to their audience (e.g. merch)
  • Services: creating physical or digital services to sell to their audience (e.g. a guide or workshop)
  • Partnering directly with brands: sponsored posts product reviews or a long-term partnership

How much do bloggers make?

Bloggers’ salaries range widely. Some bloggers make no money whereas some bloggers make more than enough to build a career around their blog. That said on average a successful and established blogger can make around $45000 per year. In your first year of blogging you can expect to make around $500-$2000 per month. The longer you blog and the more in tune you become with your niche and audience the better your blog will perform and the more opportunities you will have to make money.


I Am A Versatile Freelancer With A Wide Range Of Skills And Expertise. As A Freelancer, I Value Providing Tips About Earn Insurance, Investments, And Tech. 🌟 With Years Of Experience In Various Industries.

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