Affiliate Programs

15 Affiliate Disclosure Examples & top Practices (2024)

As the digital world changes, affiliate marketing must become more transparent. Examine five persuasive instances of affiliate disclosure and 2024 best practices in this tutorial. Recognize how to build credibility and trust by including disclosures into your material in a seamless manner.
Disclosing the Best Practices

Unveiling Best Practices :
Unambiguous and Visible Disclosure Wording Examine the significance of using unambiguous and noticeable wording in your affiliate declarations. To ensure that your audience understands the nature of your affiliations with ease, learn how to clearly express the affiliate connection.

In 2024, here are 15 examples of affiliate disclosure and best practices for bloggers.

1. Tech Radar

Affiliate Link Disclosure Example Techradar

The disclosure from TechRadar checks almost every significant box.

It informs you what occurs, is concise and to the point, appears far above the fold, and includes a link to further information.

2. Ken’s Tech Tips

Affiliate Link Disclosure Example Ken's Tech Tips

Another example of a well-executed disclosure is Ken’s Tech Tips. It’s a good idea to frame the discussion of visits and affiliate revenue as “reader-supported.”

It alludes to a self-sustaining “community” that uses affiliate connections voluntarily.

3. The Wirecutter

Affiliate Link Disclosure Example Wirecutter

If the idea of saying “Reader-supported” seems a bit lame, then let’s look at how The Wirecutter approaches their affiliate disclosure stuff.

Oh, look – they use pretty much the exact same wording as the previous example.

Even though they’re now owned by The New York Times.

4. The Luminous

Affiliate Link Disclosure Example The Luminous

The whole affiliate transaction seems much less commercial when you tell your readers that you could just make enough money when they click your links to purchase a cup of coffee for yourself.

Who would turn down a cup of coffee from their favorite author or blogger, after all?

This is The Luminous pulling off some cunning psychological tricks.

5. The Shop Files

Affiliate Link Disclosure Example The Shop Files

There are two things I enjoy about the Shop Files disclosure. The text is casual, above the fold, and states, “Heads up.” It is followed by the obvious statement, “This page does contain affiliate links,” and an assurance that “I only recommend tools I have personally vetted.”

“I use these products, and if you buy them, I’ll probably earn a small amount of money” ensures that no time or effort is lost.

6. Points Of Measure

Affiliate Link Disclosure Example Points Of Measure

This is a somewhat different version of the above from Points of Measure.

It offers a contextual link to their whole affiliate disclosure along with the same unambiguous message.

The assumption that the reader is aware of what an affiliate link is is the only possible drawback.

7. Guide ‘Em

Affiliate Link Disclosure Example Guide Em

Despite being a relatively young affiliate site, Guide ‘Em has been doing affiliate disclosures correctly from the start.

The actual phrase, “our content contains affiliate links,” is quite identical to other comparable texts, with the exception of their second-to-last sentence, “We do not accept money for reviews.”

This reassures customers that while you could get a commission if they purchase the item or service, you haven’t received payment to write a favorable review.

8. Dan Flying Solo

Affiliate Link Disclosure Example Dan Flying Solo

Because this disclaimer is specific to one travel guide—Kochi Japan, in this case—it stands out from the others.

Because Dan was on a press junket when he recently traveled to Kochi.

He was thus “sponsored” to go there, although deceptively.

However, Dan is astute enough to pull a farrago here.

9. Muck Rack

Affiliate Link Disclosure Example Muck Rack

The fact that this link disclosure appears at the bottom of the page is what bothers me about it.

The way it says “When you buy something using the retail links in our stories” is something I enjoy, however.

Because people like tales, you are essentially paying the website to amuse you.and not using your affiliate links to subtly promote an affiliate program.

10. The Prepared

The Prepared Affiliate Disclosure Example

The Prepared is an authoritative website in the “prepper” category that assists individuals in making plans for what to do in the event of an approaching zombie takeover or natural catastrophe.

Its audience is thus inherently skeptical, so its affiliate disclosure has to be quite thorough!

The statement, “When you buy something we recommend, we may get an affiliate commission— but it never affects your price or what we pick,” strikes me as comforting.

Why wouldn’t you want The Prepared’s owners to be paid a commission if you already like and trust the business?

Placement Considerations:

Strategic Disclosure Alignment Examine the craft of placing affiliate disclosures strategically. Find the best places to include disclaimers in your material so that visibility and user experience are balanced. Find out how audience trust and compliance are increased via effective positioning.

Platform Consistency:

Standardized Disclosure Procedures Recognize how important it is to keep disclosure policies consistent across platforms. Examine how consistency in language and placement, regardless of platform, creates a unified brand image and fosters audience trust.

Visual Components:

Improving the Impact of Disclosure Find out how effective graphic components may be in affiliate disclosures. Find out how adding visually appealing visuals and symbols may improve the impact and visibility of your disclosures. Transparency and professionalism can be effectively communicated with visual cues.

Timely and Accurate Disclosures:
Maintaining Compliance Examine the significance of timely and accurate updating your affiliate declarations. Examine how adjustments must be made immediately to maintain compliance due to changes in relationships or content. Find out the best ways to deal with affiliation changes quickly.


How To, Affiliate, Guide, News

What Do Affiliate Disclosures Serve as?

Notifying your audience of your financial ties to the goods or services you promote is the main goal of affiliate disclosures. By disclosing to your audience the possibility of receiving a commission on their purchases, it guarantees openness and fosters trust.

Are Affiliate Disclosures Subject to Any Legal Requirements? Indeed, depending on the location, affiliate disclosures must comply with certain legal obligations. Respecting the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) rules in the US and the corresponding laws in other nations is essential. Legal repercussions might follow noncompliance.

Could Disclosures from Affiliates Increase Audience Trust? Indeed. Clear affiliate disclosures build credibility with your audience by displaying honesty and integrity. Your audience is more inclined to believe your advice when they are aware that you are transparent about your ties.

What’s the frequency of updating affiliate disclosures? Anytime your connections or content change, you should instantly update your affiliate disclosures. Maintain compliance and openness by routinely reviewing and updating disclosures to make sure they appropriately represent your existing relationships.

Do Disclosures with Visual Elements Affect Users’ Trust?
Indeed, disclosures with visual components may have a big effect on user confidence. Adding visuals, symbols, or unique formatting enhances the visibility and recall of disclosures. Visual cues strengthen professionalism and honesty while fostering audience confidence.

Why Is Affiliate Disclosure Consistency Important Across Platforms? Maintaining audience trust and building a unified brand image need consistency across channels. Consistent disclosure procedures show honesty and professionalism, which supports your dedication to moral affiliate marketing on all platforms.
In summary
To sum up, understanding affiliate disclosure guidelines is crucial to negotiating the intricacies of affiliate marketing in 2024. Transparency, compliance, and trust may be established as a foundation by putting these best practices and examples into practice.


I Am A Versatile Freelancer With A Wide Range Of Skills And Expertise. As A Freelancer, I Value Providing Tips About Earn Insurance, Investments, And Tech. 🌟 With Years Of Experience In Various Industries.

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